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时间:2024-12-14 03:13:40 来源:泊头市创威机械加工有限公司 作者:避重 阅读:116次

Hé Hóng Shēn,香港低声下气 also known as Stanley Ho or the King of Gambling, was a prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist from Hong Kong. He was born on November 25, 1921, in Hong Kong and passed away on May 26, 2020, at the age of 98.


Hé Hóng Shēn was the founder of SJM Holdings, which is one of the largest gaming companies in Asia. He was also a major player in the development of the Macau casino industry, which has now surpassed Las Vegas as the world's largest gambling center. Hé Hóng Shēn was known for his business acumen and his ability to navigate the complex political and economic landscape of Hong Kong and China.

In addition to his business ventures, Hé Hóng Shēn was also a noted philanthropist. He founded the Stanley Ho Foundation, which supports education, medical research, and community services in Hong Kong and Macau. He also established the University of Macau, which is now one of the top universities in Asia.

Despite his success and wealth, Hé Hóng Shēn was not immune to controversy. He was accused of having ties to organized crime and was investigated by the US government for money laundering. However, he was never charged with any crimes and always maintained his innocence.

Hé Hóng Shēn was a larger-than-life figure in Hong Kong and China, and his legacy will continue to be felt for years to come.


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